To say it has been a few days of deep despair to exhilaration would not be a lie. I have spoken of Roy before and lots of you know he was very near to death when taken into the hospital two weeks ago. A rally came about after two days and then only last week we were told again that he had no chance of recovery. Stubborn guy that he is he has defied the doctors and is now even walking to the toilet on his own! We are all so pleased about this as you can imagine.
Plans for his new kitchen are now well underway after a few sticky moments. The family sat with us whilst Roy told them he had always wanted an american fridge freezer and he also wants a nice new kitchen as he is aware that he will be spending much more time in the UK now. Once everything had been explained as to why he was going to the company he was and to why he wanted to get rid of his old but hardly used cookers etc all was understood and so let us hope now for a smooth ride and a lovely kitchen for him. I must confess that the stress of all this did make me take a duvet day which was awful as the weather was brilliant.
Duvet days come as part and parcel to patients with ph. My problem is I can't sit in the garden and just laze, well I could but it is rather exposed being an apartment. We do keep looking for bungalow type houses with a private garden but nothing is ever just right of course most of us can't have everything right, compromise is the key. We do not want a big house. I hanker back to the one we had before we moved to Spain which was a big one but the beauty of this was that it had the secret garden. In this garden we also had a cabin and in front of that we had a fire built so we could sit in the cabin and pile the logs on the fire. I am hoping to find a place where we can replicate this but on a smaller scale. Such wonderful memories I want to bring back.
Now don't get me wrong here, I would hate you to run away with the idea that our apartment is just a tiny space, far from it. People coming here for the first time are always very surprised at to how much room we have and how much storage. This then leads to the difficulties in some of the houses we have looked at. Our furniture, quite new and to us very lovely just won't fit!!!!!! I really hate the thought of getting rid of any of it as it took us months to find just the right pieces. So here we are, back to the drawing board. I know it was always said we would buy the penthouse from the family of Roy should he no longer need it but in truth that leads us back to the no garden problem so we have decide to veto that idea. Though just yards away from us is a lovely park we overlook it does not give me my own space.
Are we in or out?
The debate goes on for in or out Brexit. It is no surprise really that people are confused. All the figures thrown around by both sides drive me mad, who do we believe, which one has the correct figures, will we really be throwing ourselves into a situation as the stay in ones say of even having genicide in the future going on here if we dare to vote for out!!!!! All very scary stuff and it appears that the voting at the moment will be around evening the for or against battle. I won't be sleeping the night those votes are counted, oh yes I will, just realised we will be on our cruise! Anyway it matters not for the vote as for many years now Colin has sorted out a postal vote and they arrive early enough for people to get them posted and received in time.
Help given across the miles
I have it is fair to say been quite distraught over circumstance going on in my life with Roy and other things. I posted in rather a confused state and it came across that I needed somebody. Immediately I posted the phone rang and it was Marcmary Dyer {Mary} to talk to me and calm me down. Now if that isn't friendship I really don't know what is. She talked to me for quite a while and at the end she promised she would ring me later that day to see how certain things had panned out and so she did. It astonishes me time and time again to see all the offers of help and support we all receive on here.
Sue Reid my friend also private messaged me and then rang later in the day, George Gaskin said he is always around as did Steven Baker who is just getting used to his line. Julie Taylor and I have many private conversations and she said she was there should I wish to talk. Kath Graham was very supportive and talked sense! I had many many messages posted on the thread from people all over the world. How heart warming and so it makes me aware that NONE of us on here are alone. We have people that really care and want to give support. What a group of ph friends and also personal friends that are there for us, thank you one and all.
Disney on Ice

What is happening here right now
We go for years and years here with no breakages. We have taken things to and from Spain when we lived there with only one breakage. Why now do we keep breaking things. Mugs I have cherished for years have now lately been reduced to three instead of the six, one breaking after the other and now I heard a crash in the kitchen and have been told another wine glass gone. It just seems weird that we go for many many years with none and then one after the other, puzzling. A trip to the shop then for more wine glasses as we hate giving friends all different types. Another set of six is called for I think.
Farewell may dear cousin and farewell to a walking buddy
Over the last few days I have lost my cousin Chrissie to cancer. The illness was short and I believe she bore it as well as one can with much courage. She died with her family around her and he funeral is to be on the 16th, the day I have my 24 hour monitor fitted. Chrissie wants us to wear bright colours so bright colours it shall be when we go to say our final farewells.
I picked up the phone from one of our walking group called Anne who had rung to tell me of the death of one of our walking team. Irene had problems with her lungs having been a smoker in her earlier years. This developed into other problems but my did she fight. She walked the hills even though it took her time and sapped her energy. When we returned to base the exhilaration on her face was lovely to see, yes she had done it!!!!! Now sadly she has died and we are waiting for news of her funeral. So sad to lose her but we now have to say goodbye.
Blood test this morning, visit to Roy to follow and then on to my ceramics class. I am hoping to glaze my last two pots today as time in marching on and I will not be attending the next course. Of course I shall return, I love it but a two week break for the cruise and then this being quickly followed by a three week tour of Scotland means I would be foolish to spend so much money on a class I would rarely be in. Of course these holidays could change due to the results of my 24 hour monitor which I know will show drastic changes in my heart as I go about every day business. On the plus side we are ALWAYS encouraged to take holidays. The staff at my hospital work around our holidays as well as they are able. Should they however decide the line is a must and a quick one inserted at that then of course things will alter but doubt that will happen yet.
Hospital here I come. Blood test out of the way then I shall visit Roy. The day is a beautiful one and I hope it is where you are, enjoy it please.
Warm love to you all and a huge hug for liking and sharing this blog.
Carole xxx
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