Not so sure about this any more
I am going for the right heart catheter on the 15th to see if there is any improvement in my levels since my denervation. I truly do not know what to think any more. The first three months were great, well after the first three weeks anyway. I felt so much more alive and was able to do more things without all the effort it normally would have taken me, Since I had an episode of not feeling the best a few weeks ago I feel I have not picked up as I would have liked. I did ring Alex and he reminded me I do have ph, we do have these stages but I truly hoped it would have passed. It hasn't save for an odd day or two along the way. My lethargy is huge, everything is so much of an effort. I hate feeling like this. Then watch has arrived that monitors so many things for me over the next two weeks so we will see what it reveals on the 15th.
I decided to push myself a little yesterday. The day was terrible with the weather so I wanted to pull out the boxes that hold all Izzy's craft things and with a huge effort I managed to pull it out a little. I pushed my way behind them to find a new lego, unopened had fallen down the back, great joy for Izzy. I foolishly got onto my knees to dust round the back and just could not stand up. I had no way to push my legs upright at all, just no energy. I shouted for Colin to come and rescue me. Quite what I would have done if he was not around I do not know There was certainly no way I could have got back up then as I was so firmly stuck behind the boxes, no strength to do anything. How I hate ph.
Bloods and David Cameron
My weekly blood test for warfarin was quite amusing today. There were quite a lot of people waiting for the other bloods, not warfarin fortunately or I would have spent rather a long time in the department I saw a man queuing in front of me wearing shorts, the weather was appalling and this man was obese. I am not saying anything abut him being obese, there could be many health issues here and I also saw he had another one, his legs were just full of scabs, drying ones that made me wonder if he had a skin condition. It must have been very severe to cause such a mess on his legs. More than likely that is why he was wearing the shorts as material touching them could have caused him pain. This is not the reason I smiled at the clinic but what happened next, a name was called and it was David Cameron, Of course all eyes turned to see who this was and then this guy wearing the shorts, so unlike David Cameron stood up and went into a cubicle. I could see the smiles on the faces of the many in the waiting room. He was so unlike our ex Prime Minister. It was what happened next that set us all off into gales of laughter. The next name to be called was Diane Abbot, the shadow home secretary in the labour party. Most of us who knew the name of the members of parliament were just in howls of laughter. One "famous" name was funny enough but two, one straight after the other!
On returning home I saw a guy in the street eating an ice cream! The time was 8.45am, I wondered where he managed to buy one so early as it was not one you could've taken from your fridge. It was so obviously one of those that have a lot of air in them, Mr Whippy maybe. I was so intrigued as to where he got it from at a time most of us are eating breakfast and not ice cream that I looked up into the park opposite me to see if I could see an ice cream van. I know a van does go in but not generally until the afternoon. There was lots of activity going on as they are setting up for our annual charity gala, maybe he managed to get it from there. I came home and ate my muesli!
To pot or not to pot

As we live quite close to York we decided when the weather was lovely to take a drive into the City. Well a 40 minute drive took us over two and a half hours due to traffic and road works. I wanted to go visit the Jorvik Centre now it is up and running again. I was not disappointed. The "street" and its inhabitants were still there, with two new ones added. We discussed what to do with Izzy when Colin brings her here again in August and this is still on our list as she loves it. Another one for her is the "dig" where she can join an archaeological dig and see if she can find some artefacts. York has a wealth of history and there is still much to be discovered. She has begged to go to the Treasurers House when in York to see if she can see the ghostly Roman Army said to haunt the cellars. This is a surprise to me that she wants to do this as we took her to the Thackray Museum last week which is a medical museum in Leeds she was terrified!
Thackray Museum has won many awards and is an amazing place to visit. There is a street with all the foul smells one would have experienced back in the late 1800's. It takes you on a journey following various people, some quite well off and some being the desperately poor in the city. On setting foot on the street you are immediately taken back as you walk in between houses and shops, seeing the ones inflicted with such terrible diseases. There are quite a few workshops where you can learn about many medical operations that went on and how they carried them out. Some of the pictures are quite graphic but for the not so squeamish it is a great place to take the children with much learning about how things used to be.
Colin did take her to the Wakefield Mining Museum which is where one actually goes down the lift shaft and into the mine . I was surprised that she actually loved this, even leaving her grandad on a few occasions when the man showing them around asked the kids to go into some of the tunnels that were too small for the adults . She came home happy but black. The guy that showed them around asked all the children when they came back up from the pit face to put their hands into a barrel of the coal dust, of course all the children complied and then he told them to rub their faces with it!! Result very filthy kids but it did give them a picture of just how the men working down the mines day to day would come to the surface. I took mine to this when they were small and they too loved it. This one is in Wakefield for those looking for somewhere to take the kids through the long summer holiday.
I can't bear to talk about Manchester and London and the terrible things that have happened to the innocents. It just makes me too sad and I am leaving this out but they are all in my thoughts.
I don't know if it is all this going on that is making me feel so down but down I definitely do feel. I can't seem to summon up much interest or enthusiasm for things right now. I just feel to be a bit separated from the world if you know what I mean. I cannot explain it but there it is. I hope I begin to pick up soon. Maybe when we hear from our builder about the price for the new house I might get some enthusiasm again., though in fairness I can't even summon up any enthusiasm for that. It doesn't help that our boiler is leaking and that is quite a big job to be changed, shelves need to be emptied and unscrewed, carpet taken up, just mess and more mess.
Well I hate leaving you on a sour note so I do apologise! I think I am calling it a day for now, putting my floppies on and am looking forward to seeing Izzy who is staying over for the night. she does make me smile so I do still have a few smiles in reserve for which I am thankful for.
Warm love to you all for reading this, for bothering to click the like button when you have and for any comments.
Carole xxx.
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