Royal Hallamshire hospital at Sheffield has its own research laboratories and I was pleased then to see in the news this most resent update from them in their bid to find a cure for pulmonary hypertension. It isn't that long ago that when speaking to a member of my team I was told that there have been some amazing breakthroughs in the search for a cure and/or medicines to hold it back in their own research facility, here is one of them.
Please see the link below about this research opening up a new insight into regulation of gene signalling and PAH. Follow Link below: -

At last the dates for my study appointment
June 14th and 15th are now set in stone for my hospital appointment. I had better get my trainers on as this is one where part of the study has me riding a stationary bike whilst attached to all the machines. I feel they will see a decline in my condition since I was last there three months ago. I know my breathing is worse, and my chest feels tight. This is one appointment I am so looking forward to. The MRI may show a change, we shall see as I am to have this on the 15th. If anyone is around at this hospital on these dates on M2 please let me know and I shall get down from O ward, where I will be to meet up with you. I have been booked into the same hotel as last time, one just around the corner and as I know it to be comfortable and the food good I am happy.
Will we won't we?
I stayed up until after 3 o clock, well I watched the tv, I was in bed listening to the arguments going too and fro in the Brexit campaign. I have to say that nobody on the panel gave any clear or concise answers as I believe it is true there ARE no clear and concise answers. The in campaign admitted that in truth they did not know quite what would happen if we went out. Some even admitted that even though they wanted us to stay in they do believe we will do well even if we come out.
Food for Thought:-
Food for Thought:-
If you don’t understand what all the fuss is about. Here is the EU put simply.
A son goes to his Dad having saved up some money from his weekend job.
Son “ Dad I’ve saved up £350 pounds to buy the new laptop I need for my college course”
Dad “Well done son, give the money to me and I’ll help you”
Son “Ok now what?”
Dad “I will allow you £185 pounds back less my handling fee of £5 so £180 which you may only spend on a new phone”
Son “But I need a laptop!”
Dad “No, we’ve decided you can only buy a phone and you may only buy a phone from Germany and it must be pink. You must also source the phone within 2 days otherwise I will not release the money”
Son “But it’s my money!”
Dad “I’m afraid you are a member of this family and you must contribute to everyone else’s needs. I will decide how the money is spent”
Son “So what happens to the £165?”
Dad “Well your sister needs a new dress”
Son “She has already had many new dresses”
Dad “We’ve put it to the vote and I’m afraid you’re outvoted”
Son “But I need a laptop to continue my course!”
Dad “My decision is final”
Son “But that’s not fair, will I ever have a say in how my money is spent”
Dad “No, and by the way we’ve got a couple more people moving into your room and you’ll have to pay for their keep”
Son “Well I’m leaving then”
Dad “Don’t be like that lad, we need your money. And if you leave you won’t be able to buy a pink phone from Germany you’ll have to buy one here instead”
I do like that we have different cultures here in the UK. I like that we have different colours too BUT we are in grave danger of losing our own identity in our own country. This is my thoughts on it and it may well not be yours, indeed I know a few of my friends disagree with me but we all will be able to get our say shortly.
Son “ Dad I’ve saved up £350 pounds to buy the new laptop I need for my college course”
Dad “Well done son, give the money to me and I’ll help you”
Son “Ok now what?”
Dad “I will allow you £185 pounds back less my handling fee of £5 so £180 which you may only spend on a new phone”
Son “But I need a laptop!”
Dad “No, we’ve decided you can only buy a phone and you may only buy a phone from Germany and it must be pink. You must also source the phone within 2 days otherwise I will not release the money”
Son “But it’s my money!”
Dad “I’m afraid you are a member of this family and you must contribute to everyone else’s needs. I will decide how the money is spent”
Son “So what happens to the £165?”
Dad “Well your sister needs a new dress”
Son “She has already had many new dresses”
Dad “We’ve put it to the vote and I’m afraid you’re outvoted”
Son “But I need a laptop to continue my course!”
Dad “My decision is final”
Son “But that’s not fair, will I ever have a say in how my money is spent”
Dad “No, and by the way we’ve got a couple more people moving into your room and you’ll have to pay for their keep”
Son “Well I’m leaving then”
Dad “Don’t be like that lad, we need your money. And if you leave you won’t be able to buy a pink phone from Germany you’ll have to buy one here instead”
I do like that we have different cultures here in the UK. I like that we have different colours too BUT we are in grave danger of losing our own identity in our own country. This is my thoughts on it and it may well not be yours, indeed I know a few of my friends disagree with me but we all will be able to get our say shortly.
For myself I think Australia has it right the way they control their own borders and the points system for allowing people to live there. If we left the EU we would be allowed to trade as and where we choose outside the EU, not allowed now. We would I believe have two or three tough years, but we have weathered years like this before and come through it. We are the fifth largest economy in the world here in the UK. We receive back only half of what we send abroad. I think we can make Britain GREAT again when we can rule this country again. Sadly I don't believe we will win the vote. I hope I am wrong. The problems here will get even greater when you see the countries that are to be allowed in next. None of these countries have much to offer to the EU so why on earth would we allow them to enter. Again a huge cost to our purses coming up here I think. Anyway we all have our own agendas regarding our wish to stay in or come out, my own family is divided so such is life, very interesting though.
More Food for Thought: -
More Food for Thought: -
This post made me smule, well an ironic smile regarding the Brexit campaign. I would love to post something on a similar nature for the STAY campaign but nobody has posted one on Facebook that I can see. If anyone in the other camp has something please share and I shall post next blog.
Izzy is on her way home!
The short break for her is over and as I write this the motor home will be travelling homeward bound. I was told yesterday that she had made friends with a little girl in the motorhome next to ours. This little girl is called Lilly and they got on so well that they were even planning to see how they could have a sleepover in one or the others vans! Of course it didn't come off so there would have been one unhappy little girl last night I reckon, we shall see. Once she arrives here Chris, my daughters boyfriend is to come and collect her as mommy is working Fortunately for me he understands Facebook accounts and will sort out why I have once again got two accounts! It drives me mad. So looking forward to getting it straight again.
Update........ she is back, our house looks like a bomb has dropped as clothes all over from the short break away, waiting to be washed or put away. Her lego has been all split up now so table strewn with it and once again the fishy smell assails my nostrils as I go into the kitchen as yet ANOTHER tuna sandwich has been made, she eats so much of this stuff. Sticks are in the hallway, she collects so many sticks, in fact her pockets of jackets could belong to any boy too, any young lad would be proud to have such collections as she has in her pockets.
Mohammad Ali
Sadly we have to say goodbye to this amazing boxer who lost his fight to life recently. He himself lived with a terrible illness Parkinsons disease for over 30 years. Do any of you remember him going into the ring and saying "fight like a butterfly sting like a bee" ? The greatest boxer of all time he was actually a gentle giant they say. I do not know as I was never into boxing but I am sad to see yet another famous name leave us. What a year we have had up to press with the deaths of so many.
What were this couple thinking of
In the news these last few days has been the story of the boy left DELIBERATELY in the forest in Japan by his parents. This forest has bears in it. The parents were punishing the boy for throwing stones and so they left him for a few minutes. On their return they couldn't find him. After searching for a while they had no option but to call the search and rescue. It took 6 days for this 7 year old boy to be found. What went on in his head I would not want to know, the terror of being alone in this situation. He found an old military hut and went in where he managed to keep safe and he had a supply of water but no food. Each of the days he was lost I opened my paper to see if he had been found but as time passed I began to be sure the outcome would be a bad one. I am so pleased that he is now safe and well.
Tess Dunn
She did it! Lots of you reading this blog know of our delightful and beautiful Tess Dunn. A young girl stricken with ph has had a tough journey. She didn't however let this deter her and has gone on to get her Masters Degree in music therapy. A very accomplished musician she so deserves this. Tess has a great deal of people behind her, not least her mom who always said she knew she could do it and her dad did too, he has sadly passed away but he would have been so proud of his girl. We in the ph world are so proud of our gorgeous ph sister. I have posted a picture of Tess and her gorgeous fiancee Terry who encouraged her all the way.
The day here is beautiful, definitely summer weather so time to all get out your sunhat, sunscreen and go and enjoy it.
Wam love to you all and thank you in advance for clicking LIKE!
One important note to a special guy, Many Happy Returns of the Day
One important note to a special guy, Many Happy Returns of the Day
Carole xxx
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