It seems to me that everytime I open my Facebook ph page there is something of interest to read in the development of finding or funding new drugs and treatments for us all. I thank my lucky stars that at last the world of research has opened its arms to our condition and is working so hard for us.
Our table arrived here this week, well not actually ours but one just like it from the shop along with a huge bunch of flowers. Still no idea at all as to how long ours will be but at least we are sorted out now we have this one. We managed to go and get some protector for it as we knew we were having the whirlwind Izzy for eight nights.
Friday was a hectic day. I was going into Leeds to meet up with my son. I don't know quite why or how but I always end up going shopping for him food before we meet up. It is not as though he can't shop for himself but it is just something I do. I think it must go back to the days he was at Uni and was so short of cash. As a mom we always worry about our children. It is no different now and so off I went to the supermarket to bu him plenty of food. He went through a spate of just getting ready meals from M and S and this concerned me deeply. However he is back on track now cooking good wholesome healthy meals from scratch so it was a delight o go around picking up fresh meat, fish and veg.
On returning home I was pleased to see that Colin had our evening meal, a new recipe, in the slow cooker. It looked very tempting and as I had not eaten a thing except a banana all day I was so looking forward to have a very early meal, just the two of us before he hurricane {Izzy} arrived. I thought it would be nice to have this out of the way so we could have a pleasant talk with Danielle and Chris before they headed off for their skiing trip leaving us with sole charge of Izzy. This was not to be however and I was gutted to hear the oh so familiar ring at our doorbell.
The ring was from our neighbour 87 year old Roy. I love Roy dearly and we do lots for hm as indeed anyone would. I had been up the night before to take him his second batch of fresh soup, this one being broccoli and stilton. I knew he was ok as I had seen him Friday morning when I went up to make his complan drink. I had hoped that we just had this small amount of time to ourselves as he knew our family would be arriving. This was not to be. I got up off the bed and we went to make him a drink. His request this time was for us to find him the perfect trolley for his bedside.
Now this doesn't sound too onerous a task does it but indeed it WAS. The height was important, it must not be or even look like a hospital bedside table. He wanted a drawer in it but it had to have plenty space underneath to stand his bottles of water, it had to have a lip to stop things from being pushed off the edge. Oh how hard we both looked, every site we looked a nothing was quite right. It took one and a half hours before we found one that would suffice. In the meantime our lovely meal we were both looking forward to was put on hold. Whilst he was there my daughter Izzy and Chris arrived. Roy sat through our talk of her homework etc and as he is deaf and his hearing aid was not working he spoke over our conversations time and time again I was very very frustrated as this time with my family was taken up by Roy. I sound a really whinging person but I am honestly not, all I wanted was a bit of time alone without him.Normally I love to see Roy but I just wanted this space for US!
He left after around two hours and as my daughter had to leave not long after we got very little time to discuss Izzy and the things that needed to be done. By this time I was past caring about food and quickly just grabbed a piece of chicken from the slow cooker minus any veg as they had not been cooked then. I shovelled it down with no appreciation just the knowledge that I needed to eat. By this time it was 8.30 and Izzy was way overdue her bedtime.
I went to lay down by the side of Izzy and she asked me to make up a new story. The one was very easy and it went along the lines of when Danielle and Chis left we discovered Izzy missing, We searched and searched for her to no avail. Her mom had already gone to France on the plane. Colin in desperation flew over to their hotel to tell Danielle in person and he was given access to their hotel room as though their cases were there they had gone for food before unpacking. As he sat on the bed he heard a thump coming from a suitcase he opened it up and there was Izzy! When the story was finished, because of course it was filled with much more happenings she howled with laughter. She said that it was a fabulous and funny story and she loved it!
Saturday and I have written a note to school to say that since she Izzy began there at the end of September she has lost three cardigans and one sweat shirt, all with the logo of the school and all marked with her name. I have asked if they can send a letter to the other parents to check their childrens clothes. At this rate it is turning out to be a very expensive term.
I had the pleasure of seeing and holding Archie for two hours! I never put him down. He now weights 6lb 4 oz and our Jessica and Brett brought him up to our place so I could cuddle him. The house though sill damaged by the flood is getting sorted, time will be needed to complete it. I never wold have believed I would sill be around to see a fourth generation, me being the first, in our family. Such a wonderful time I had and Colin took many pictures. Cant believe this little chappie hit all the national papers and news rooms.
Parris Kelvey has been very poorly with a chest infection and was admitted to intensive care unit for treatment. After many antibiotics, c.pap machine and oxygen daily she is feeling much better. I am sure we all wish her a speedy recovery. Very scary time it must have been for everyone that knows her.
Coughs and colds are doing the rounds again. I have not been able to keep myself away from people so I inevitably came down with one. Fortunately mine was not a bad one and a day resting up with plenty fluids and paracetamol sent it almost on its way. It is a time we need to be aware though as what is "just a cough or cold" to a healthy person can indeed even lead to death for us. I always carry around with me a bottle of anti bacterial gel and I rub my hands with it before ever using a supermarket trolley or handles. This tells us we are guaranteed to be infection free for two hours. I figure it is best to be safe than sorry but unfortunately we cannot help breathing in the air of people infected with a cold or cough.
I was so gutted to read in the papers today of the death of a Swedish asylum worker who was allegedly killed by a 15 years old migrant in the centre where she worked. I am constantly opening my paper to read of the atrocities done to girls, groping and stealing etc by some of these people. This gives a bad name for all the ones who are honest and respectful in their dealings with us. I for one would round them up and send them back to where they say they are from. I know they all throw away their papers and we have no proof but if they say they are from ..... and need asylum I would send them back. If we or indeed any country are good enough to take them in, and indeed it surprises me as so many are young men with no family with them, then they need to learn that if we are not treated respectfully then off they go back to the atrocities they say they have left. Though they report they have so many horrors to live with in the country of their birth surely we need to protect our own people in the country of their birth too. Sorry if you disagree but I get so angry to see the way some of them think they can treat us. For the many that are respectful I am sure they too are horrified that the countries willing to take them in are so badly abused.
Started on my head at my ceramics class, previously called pottery! How I love this, it is amazing to see this come to life. It is actually a caricature and I am well on with it though I need to decide on earrings, scarves and hair etc. I could have stayed all day such was my enjoyment of doing it. There were frustrating moments too of course such as getting the mouth how I wanted it and the eyes as I decided on a slight tilt of the head so this of course impacts on how the eyes are set in the face. Cant wait to show you this when completed.
Right, must get on with cooking the dinner for later tonight. Hope everyone stays well.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your lives to read my blogs. You have no idea how this pleases me.
Carole xxxxxx